Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Leroy!

 Happy Birthday LEROY!!! It's been so long since I have talked to you but on your birthday we Skyped until it was 3 a.m. my time and 12 a.m. your time! So we talked for, like, two days! (kinda) It was funny because it was Saturday my time and Friday over there! You said it was freaky! Hahahahaha MISS YOU!!! Hope to video chat with you again sometime!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Babysitting Business

 Hey! I know I haven't posted in a while but I'm back! Nothing much was going on and I really hate it when people post stuff about being bored. So, my friend and I started a Babysitting Business and it's going great! If you count handing out 5 business cards more than 2 weeks ago good business. Just waiting for a call. I doubt anyone will. One lady was like "You guys are a little young don't you think?" I was like "Oh, well I'm 12 and will be 13 in July and she is 11." Yeah that's right! I went there! PLUS they live on my street and have SEEN me  with kids that actually LOOKED 12-13. I am so short! =(
Right now I am BRAINSTORMING a new business idea. Another girl we know is doing pet sitting AND babysitting. I know she don't have the time! She is a mess. She was a friend but know I'm not allowed to hang out with her for certain reasons and I like it that way. My friend Jordan, who is doing the business with me, also doesn't like her but she still haNgs out with her. Her mom doesn't want her to be mean to she who shant be named.  GOT TO GO BRAINSTORM!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My New Obsession!

 I LOVE FALLOUT BOY!!! Thanks to my brother I'm strung on this band called FallOut Boy. What!? YOU DON'T KNOW THEM! They wrote and preformed the song Sugar, We're Goin' Down. Some other songs are: Dance, Dance, This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race (video continuation of dance, dance). Currently they are "taking a break"
  Some of you might know their bassist, Pete Wentz who married Ashlee Simpsons and had a beautiful baby boy together. Their son, Bronx, is VERY CUTE! He's got chubbs! Sadly, they are divorced now and FallOut Boy is still not working. I know you are thinking " What does Pete's marriage and the band not working have to do with each other?" Well, Pete's reason for the break was because he was starting a family. I quote, " We still don't know the future for FallOut Boy." said the members.
  Hahaha I sound like I'm part of a magazine. Well any-hoo if you wanna know more there is this new thing called. . . .wait for it. . . . WIKIPEDIA !!!!!

You May SNIFF the Bride!

  My friends Cait and Jord (nicknames for privacy purposes) both have a dog. Cait has Spud and Jord has Lilly. Well, us three girls decided to marry them. Spud and Lilly were caught flirting and that's when the idea popped up! Cait and I planned the wedding and Jord just prepped up the bride. Cait found a recipe for Carrot and Peanut Butter cake. Yeah sounds gross I know, it was. Then again it was for dogs.After we baked the cake, Cait had to go home. I packed a picnic basket full of Kool-Aid, the cake, cups, and straws.
  I video taped the wedding on my phone. It was short and sweet. Spud wore my old black leotard with his black harness and a leash. Lilly wore a white shawl for her shoulders (also plays as a vale) and a white tu-tu. Check out the pics!    


Monday, August 1, 2011

Raining On My Parade

  When Pop was visiting we decided to take him to a baseball game at the Durham Bulls Stadium. (That doesn't mean I live in Durham or near Durham) So we get ready to go at like 5 : 15 p.m. It's nice and HOT outside when we leave. We finally get to the stadium and find our seats. My dad is like, "See this is SO foul ball territory!"  I wanted to catch a ball but I couldn't find my mitt, so we go to the shop. OF COURSE THE MITTS ARE SOLD OUT! I buy a hat (that I now LOVE) and we get food, then head back to our seats.
  The first rain drops hit our heads, then by the time we get to our seats it is POURING RAIN. We have to stand in the tunnel for a while, then go back, then back inside, then out. You get the picture, it was like that all day until finally they called the game back on. It's like 8 and the game still hasn't started. Then it really starts pouring, with lightning and thunder. RETREAT!!!!! On the first few drops my mom and I are like, " WE AREN'T MOVING. IT'S JUST WATER." When it comes down hard, we run.
  We stand under the roof for a bit (like 20 minutes) then decide to leave. I kept thinking, "This is what I get for praying last night... Sorry God for not going to Church." But it turns out that is what happens when more than 2 blood line Goobers are united. My dad was doing the "rain dance" earlier that day saying, "I hope it rains 'cause our lawn needs the water." Then, when it rained my Pop said, " Gosh, I hope there won't be lightning."

  SO, what I think is 1 Goober hoping for something to happen + 1 Goober hoping something DOESN'T happen = Both happening.

  What good came out of it:
There was a black out where we lived and we lit some candles and talked. My dad and Pop told funny stories of when my dad was little! (my brother wasn't there, he went to bed) Plus, I peed in the dark. TEE HEE

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tricked Ya!

1. You are reading this comment.
2. You are realizing that this is a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice I skipped three. You're checking now.
5. You are still reading this.
6. Your smiling!
7. You are still reading my comment.
9. You didn't realize I skipped 8!
10. Your checking again and smiling at how you fell for it again.
11.You are enjoying this. You didn't realize there was supposed to be nine facts.

Nothin' Much

  Hey, nothing much is happening around the house. The worst thing that happened this week is that my 'D' key on my keyboard is broken. I have to press it a couple times for it to work. My Pop is coming tomorrow afternoon but other than that nothing much is happening. Lemme think of something...
  OH! My dad got a metal detector in the mail. We found out that there is some valuable metals in our back yard if you catch my drift. I don't wanna dig up anything cause, people bury loved ones with gold, silver, est. I don't want to dig it up and find A DEAD BODY, like in the movie The Poltergeist. BTW That movie gave me a headache, my cousin fell asleep to it, and my bro wasn't interested. That's all for now... Bye!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!

  Yesterday, I planned to set up a Sun Tea stand and sell it for one dollar. I woke up early and made ice all day, made the tea, made signs, cleaned the cooler, and hosed down the table. When it was around 1 p.m. I was finished with the preparation of the stand. Since I was done with that, my brother and I did chores like vacuuming, dishes, and laundry. Finally, I relaxed and watched TV. I glanced at the clock and it was 4:58, I told my brother that we need to set up soon. He said, "Okay let me finish my chores and finish up what I'm doing my computer." I guessed he was watching anime... Okay, long story short, IT RAINED! And now we are planning to do it today. Please, please, please, please, PLEASE! DON'T RAIN!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


  Today my friends (neighbors) were setting up a lemonade stand. My brother and I asked to help. When we were all set, we started advertising. Soon enough we had competition. A kid next door to my neighbors opened up a snow cone stand. One of my friends said, "Oh! I'm on his side!" and dashed over to his friend. His sister was not happy about it... I on the other side was okay with it because:
1. He was a bother
2. They were set up near the end of our street, which is a dead end.  Location Location LOCATION!! No one can see them there.
  I was okay with advertising on my own with my brother while my friend tried to sabotage her brother's stand. I held the sign up high for one car and she stopped to buy a drink. I think I held it so high God saw it. It was fun except, my brother and I were doing most of the work because she kept freaking out over their stand. (rolls eyes)
  I wasn't strong enough and gave in to the temptation. I bought one of their snow cones when my friend went inside for more juice. She caught me and was MAD. But today was fun and tomorrow I'm selling Homemade Sun Tea. (sweet iced tea)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Look It Up

  My mom wasn't happy about the last few postings that I made. But to cheer her up I told her she rocks... LIKE AN IGNEOUS ROCK!!! And it made her laugh!
P.S. If you don't know what an igneous rock is, there is this new thing called Google. hahahaha lol

The Tea Room

  Today I created a Tea Room in my bedroom. I had a box covered in blankets and books stacked high for my teddy bears. I was a waitress with my Mad Hatter costume on. I had 2 small tables for small teddies on my bed and the big box in the middle. I booked a reservation for my mom, dad, and brother. When I first showed it to my parents my mom was like, "Do we have to stay?" and I told her she didn't have to if she didn't want to. My dad was really supportive and got ready to take a seat. I told them I would pick them up for the reservation at 3:30.
  When it was time to get them I went to my dad first and he got ready. Then I headed to the kitchen and my mom told me she was going to clean dishes and she would be there soon. I went to my brother ready for a big, "No!" but my dad yelled from the top of the stairs, "DEATH JUST INVITED YOU TO TEA!" It worked for my brother. They got settled and I gave them menus and told them the specials. My dad ordered water and my brother said, "A bullet please." After several attempts to ask for murder weapons, my dad told him to be nice. My mom never came, of course, but we have a reservation for later.
  All in all, it was a good day for tea.
 The End!!


The Goobers

  Isn't it amazing how we learn things from our parents? I learn how to cook, clean, and most of the things we all learn to do so we know how to survive when we leave the nest. But those are the basics, some things we learn are info on the fam fam, and some are just plain stupid.
  What I've learned about my family is that we are such Goobers, and the Goobers are DEAF! We cannot hear! Someone is always saying, "Your what hurts?" or "Can you repeat that?" Also, we do stupid things. Like rolling down a hill in a giant tire on a cold snowy day. My dad did this with his dad and siblings. It usually ends with a broken bone, which it did. Like my mom always says, "It's all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out!" Another time ended badly when my dad and siblings were playing ball in the house!!! Mom always says not to do that! Classic!!! Of course these stories are all from my dad's side of the family... My mom is kinda a mood killer but she has her blonde moments!=P

Bacon Love

I love me some bacon. Seriously. I could eat bacon all day long. The ideas I am about to post are original! So don't steal them, or say they are yours.

Strawberry Bacon: strawberries dipped in chocolate and rolled in bacon bits
Dots 'n' Bacon: bacon dipped in melted marshmallow rolled in Dip 'n' Dots
Bacon-filled chocolate glazed donuts
Maple flavored ice cream with bacon bits

I have lots more up my sleeve! If I can get my mom to buy a slab of bacon (ironically, we rarely eat bacon at home so when I do get my hands on some of that fatty, salty goodness, I just can't get enough of it!), I'll make some of these and post pictures.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rebecca on YouTube

  I'm really ANGRY at the HATERS in the WORLD!!!!!! Okay, every one knows a girl who is trying to become famous. Her name is Rebecca Black and I don't understand how people dislike her! She is just a girl who wants to make her dreams come true. If people don't like her music:
1. Don't listen to it
2. Don't hit the dislike button if your friends tell you too. Listen first
3. You can dislike it but don't write mean comments towards her or her music. Instead you could say what she needs to FIX in her videos.
These rules go to any young or old artist who wants to make it in the big business.
  I went to read the comments and they were fine so I clicked read more. ALL THE REST WHERE BLOCKED OR SPAM!! And another thing is: Why is there even a dislike button on You Tube? Is it to make artists feel bad? why Why WHY!!!???

The Not-So-Nice Ice Cream Man

Today, an ice cream truck came by the neighborhood. My brother and I dashed outside into the burning sun to get ice cream.  The truck reminded me of a time when I was at summer day camp. (flash back begins)

It was a hot summer day. We were about to burn to a crisp when we heard the echoing of a familiar song. "An ice cream truck!" I thought.  Then a black van with tinted windows pulled up. For a minute we were confused. All the kids were searching for the ice cream truck, when I noticed that the music came from the black van! I announced the new discovery and the older children, and I, stopped searching. Then a new thought popped in my head, "Black van with tinted windows and no pictures of ice cream + kiddy music = child abductor!" So the story ends with me telling 5 year olds to forget about getting ice cream and a lot of =( faces.